SWAP Student Network
Former SWAP students know exactly what it's like to return to education after a long time, to feel overwhelmed at times, but also excited about moving on to Higher Education. They know you have questions and they've volunteered to answer them.
How to join:
If you already use Facebook, you can join by logging in to your Facebook account, then visiting: www.facebook.com/groups/swapmentors
If you do not use Facebook, you can send an email to SWAP requesting to be added to the group.
After you join, you will be able to post questions in the group, and get in touch with former SWAP students who have already moved on to HNC/D or university degree programmes.
How to join:
If you already use Facebook, you can join by logging in to your Facebook account, then visiting: www.facebook.com/groups/swapmentors
In order to prevent the admission of scammers and spammers to the Network, when you submit your request, we'll ask you to answer three questions related to your student status. By answering these questions, you'll help us to make a quick decision about whether or not to admit you to the group. Thanks! If you do not use Facebook, you can send an email to SWAP requesting to be added to the group.
After you join, you will be able to post questions in the group, and get in touch with former SWAP students who have already moved on to HNC/D or university degree programmes.

about us