Evaluation framework - Our evidence

One of the main objectives of SWAPWest is to promote social justice. Adult education provides a transformative impact on the lives of those who participate and on the communities they live in. In order to promote the outcomes of education for social justice, SWAPWest has been analysing the evidence of the impact of our programmes.

In order to enhance the value of our evaluation work  Alison Browitt from the University of Glasgow kindly supported the partnership in refreshing our evaluation strategy. Alison worked with the SWAPWest team, adapting a theory of change methodology to focus on creating an evaluation strategy to meet the needs of partners, our funders and to be used to improve and enhance our work in widening access. The work utilised a number of tools recommended in the toolkit for fair access. Further information on the tools can be found at https://www.fairaccess.scot/evaluation-guidance/

The work has focussed SWAPWest on an evaluation strategy based on the strong foundations of the data we collect. Using that data to analyse the success of the programmes in acheiving the basket of widening access measures. The other strands of the strategy build on the foundation.

Tracking students as they progress through higher education and looking at qualitative evidence to improve the work we do with students, especially in the area of guidance. The paper on evidence provides a three year benchmark of data from the outcomes of programmes from 2016 – 2019 and compares the data with the student cohort of 2019 – 2020. We will continue to analyse our data annually using the three year data analysis model.

The basket of widening access measures we use are as follows:
1)      Students with a qualification less than SCQF level 6
2)      Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivations (SIMD 1 – 20% most deprived zones)
3)      No parental experience of higher education
4)      Ethnic minority
5)      Disclosed disability
6)      Care experienced
7)      Gender

We provide analysis in the evidence paper on an overall result for SWAPWest and then analysis of our 4 curriculum areas. Further analysis is completed for Colleges and shared with them.

Evidence for completion 2020 - using a comparison of 3 years data from 2017 - 2019
SWAPWest evidence 2020

The evidence is updated annually in the SWAPWest annual reports.

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