SWAP Student Profiles

The profile acts as an enhanced reference from your college to your chosen university, and features three key areas which have been agreed as being relevant to the particular area of intended study.
NB: Completion of the Prep for HE unit is a requirement for progression to university. Although your class tutor will give you guidance, you may be required to keep up with your Prep for HE work in your own time (outwith your college timetable).

The features which are likely to characterise performance at each level are summarised below.

Three Key Areas (Access to Life Science, STEM or Medical Studies):
Grade 1. Science subject 1 at Higher level
For Life Science/Medical Studies this will be Biology; for STEM/Engineering this will be Mathematics.
Grade 2. Science subject 2 at Higher level
For Life Science/Medical Studies this will be Chemistry; for STEM/Engineering this will be Physics.
Grade 3. Overall performance
Includes: punctuality, attendance, participation in class activities, meeting deadlines, working well with others, being resilient to setbacks, offering and asking for support as required, responding productively to feedback on your work, completing Prep for HE in good time, following instructions, managing your own learning, showing ability to work independently, etc.

Three Key Areas (Access to Paramedic Science)
Grade 1. Science
Performance in science units at Higher level (SCQF Level 6)
Grade 2. Care
Performance in care units at Higher level (SCQF Level 6)
Grade 3. Overall performance
Includes: punctuality, attendance, participation in class activities, meeting deadlines, working well with others, being resilient to setbacks, offering and asking for support as required, responding productively to feedback on your work, completing Prep for HE in good time, following instructions, managing your own learning, showing ability to work independently, etc.

Three Key Areas (Humanities/SocSci, Nursing & Care):
Grade 1: Comprehension
This includes reading and listening comprehension, as well as the ability to analyse and evaluate what you read and hear.
Grade 2: Fluency of expression
Your ability to communicate your understanding of what you’ve learned (e.g. through written work, presentations, class discussions, etc.) Includes both written and oral communication skills.
Grade 3: Overall performance
Includes: punctuality, attendance, participation in class activities, meeting deadlines, working well with others, being resilient to setbacks, offering and asking for support as required, responding productively to feedback on your work, completing Prep for HE in good time, following instructions, managing your own learning, showing ability to work independently, etc.
For each of the above Key Areas, your tutors will agree a letter grade, in accordance with the outlines below:
Grade A:
Very able overall performance, suggests degree level work will be well within the capabilities of this student.
Features which may characterise this typical performance:
- Clear understanding of tasks set
- Clear and thorough preparation/organisation in tackling tasks
- Focused solutions/analysis/criticism which draws upon knowledge and understanding from a range of areas
- Critical evaluation of approach to tasks
Grade B:
Able overall performance suggests degree level work should be within the capabilities of this student.
Features which may characterise this typical performance:
- Substantial understanding of tasks set
- Competent approach to the preparation/organisation needed to tackle tasks
- Acceptable solution to/adequate analysis of problems set
- Competent handling of material
- Ability to evaluate approach to task
Grade C:
Overall performance suggests degree level work may be within the capabilities of this student, but Higher National level work may be more appropriate.
Features which may characterise this typical performance:
- Understanding of tasks may be variable
- Quality of work is occasionally below standard
- Tasks are not always executed in most appropriate manner
- Key elements are not always given due importance
- Sometimes requires additional direction
If you'd like to see what a completed profile looks like, you can download examples here:
Life Science, STEM, Health and Medical Studies
Paramedic Science
Humanities / Social Sciences / Nursing / Care
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